DOOM II paid Unlock – Doom 2 is the second installment of DOOM’s Big Game franchise, released in 1994 and one year after the first episode was released, following the story of the previous episode with a new adventure. Just like in the first episode, the game was also rebuilt for its 25th birthday and released for the Android operating system. Bethesda Softworks LLC was responsible for the production and release of this remake. The game is priced at $ 4.99 at the Google Play store, but you can get the game at Forsever’s end. The DOOM II game is made in the style and style of the first episode and at first glance there is no difference in the two games. However, this game is a little bit different than the first part. Of course, these differences are not seen in the gameplay and graphics of the game and only in its content. In DOOM II not only do we see the same classic original game again as a ported game, but more complete parts and more are included in this release. According to Bethesda Studios, the game has 20 extra stages. These steps were not in the original version and were released in separate updates, but in the mobile version of DOOM II we now see all of these steps in a complete package.